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The Prophet and Nature

The Prophet and Nature
  • Event Location
    Süleymaniye Salis Medrese
  • Activity Start
    2024-05-21 13:30
  • Activity End
    2024-05-21 16:00
  • This event has ended. Thank you for your attention.

In the new event of the Meet the Author Series, we are hosting Professor Serdar Demirel, one of our faculty members from Ibn Haldun University Faculty of Islamic Sciences, at Salis Madrasah to discuss his work titled "Prophet Muhammad and Nature". 

We would be happy to see everyone who is interested in our talk, which is the last event of the semester.

Note: The language of the event will be Turkish.

Event Details:

Speaker: Prof. Dr. Serdar Demirel

Topic: Prophet Muhammad and Nature

Date: Tuesday, May 21, 13.30

Location: Alliance of Civilizations Institute (MEDIT), Suleymaniye Salis Madrasah